
Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 39-42

Another fine couple of chapters. Typesetting by Archer2255 from Mangaunderground as usual.
http://www.mediafire.com/?rmimimzzj0d http://www.mediafire.com/?5umt3ladt42 http://www.mediafire.com/?nmmgzz3gkwy Gunpowder scans is looking for a translator[japanese to english] for the oldschool shounen manga "Genshi shounen Ryu" or "Ryu the primitive boy". We have a scanner for the raws, and en editor, but no translator. It is two fairly thick volumes. But there isnt that much talking in it compared to alot of other manga(its about cavemen after all.). Please contact me if youre able to help.


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 032-35

Another teamup with Mydailymanga.com Thanks to Archer2255 for the typesetting.
http://www.mediafire.com/?wwi00kw5kmd http://www.mediafire.com/?oj2wxjyodyu http://www.mediafire.com/?fqtyquymze2


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 031

Second chapter in the teamup between GunPowder and Manga Underground.
Go visit them at MyDailyManga.com http://www.mediafire.com/?3zq0zntnjdm

Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 030

First chapter in the teamup between GunPowder and Manga Underground. Go visit them at MyDailyManga.com http://www.mediafire.com/?obzyxjmxgzm


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 029

Ooh abit early... I guess I owed you that. Mirrors http://www.mediafire.com/?xyxtnmyhldg http://sharebee.com/a2317e6b


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 028

Pretty much on schedule again... Lets hope that continues. http://sharebee.com/560c97bc


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 027

Sorry for taking so long. 1.5 months wait for a chapter, lets hope that was the longest wait we'll ever have for this series. I'm gonna try to get back ona semi-regular schedule from now on. http://www.mediafire.com/?4g2jdzymdym http://sharebee.com/5d0dbc98


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 026

Sorry for taking so long, Didnt expect school to pound me with homework right from the start. I'll try getting the next chapter out a little quicker.


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 025

Finaly finished with the second storyline(first one done by this group) Daily releases will now stop, the next story will have weekly releases. I just wanted this manga to get a great start for the fans :)


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 024

Chapter 24, one chapter left of this story.


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 023

Chapter 23


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 022

Chapter 22 http://www.mediafire.com/?jzzmrtzhtdm http://sharebee.com/af469a2e


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 021

Come and get it!


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 020

Another day another chapter, how long can we keep it up? Mirrors http://sharebee.com/f60a7766 http://www.mediafire.com/?dtmewrnmygt


Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 019

Another day, another chapter.
http://sharebee.com/6d7419c9 http://www.mediafire.com/?2qqjjn0zow

Left hand of god, right hand of the devil chapter 018

The first release by the group is finaly here. It is "Left hand of god, right hand of the devil" chapter 018. This starts off the second story, starting with the first chapter of Volume 2. links for the chapter. http://www.mediafire.com/?ygytjy1jh54 http://sharebee.com/e165db42
Here is volume 1. It was scanlated by OC-scans


And Goodman said, Let there be retro: and there was retro.

We are here after many... A few... days of planning. Expect many great things to come... Just don't expect them too quickly.